Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Having worked for the Department of Energy for over 20 years as a Technical Specialist in Electronics and Laser-Electro/Optics and Photographic Arts and Sciences, I have shot every type of photography you can think imaginable from Commercial, Scientific, Public Relations, Environmental, Corporate and Family Portraits, Fashion and Glamour. This includes images for companies such as Rockwell International, Bectel, Lockheed Martin, EG&G Services and even British Nuclear Fuels.

I now specialize in Fantasy Photo Manipulation.

All images and Fantasy images are my creations. No Stock images are used with the exception of some NASA images used for the backgrounds. My images and work are not for Stock use! A lot of my images are based upon my own forms of Channeling. This has inspired me into documenting these thought processes into a book. The truth is out there, but you are going to have to use both your mind and your heart to find that truth that is scattered beyond belief. It does not matter who you are, what your credibility is, what your background is or what culture or religion you come from, the entire world is stirred up like an ant pile on purpose with the "Who the hell is even going to believe even you Mentality"! This is why I use real science and facts as references that is available to anyone who is not scared of getting out of those political, social and religious boxes that they may be trapped in. Once you can step away from that messy table it will be amazing what you can learn.

All of my Skyclad and Fantasy work is based upon this statement.

The Art of Becoming at One and at Peace with Yourself and Mother Nature.

If you can feel the power and energy of a single stone, then that does not hold a candlestick to the power and energy of being Skyclad in Nature.

It is a special grounding process that only a handful of people I know understand without making it complicated or perverted.

It is a spiritual connection that can connect your soul anywhere in the universe.

If you cannot feel the power and energy of a single stone then what about a stone or sacred circle? How many stone circles have been built in mans history?

If you cannot accept life in the universe without making it complicated or perverted then please leave now. That is one of the many reasons you are not allowed out of the solar system.

When was that time in man's history where they realized something other than Physical being? Was it 6,000 or 300,000 years ago?

What was or were those forms of non-physical being?


What is that form of energy that is common to both physical and nonphysical forms that has the ability to retain knowledge?

What is the difference between consciousness and something that is self-aware?

It does not matter if it was Christian Prophets, Buddha, Native American Indian or Shamanic Vision Quest, Mormon, or Solitary Witch or Druid or Moses. They all went into the wilderness a nobody and came out a somebody preaching great things.

Why was that?

Even Einstein as a child dropped out of school and took long walks in Nature where he came up with a lot of his theories on relativity.

It does not matter if it was knowledge or true history that was hidden, lost, stolen, destroyed or made forbidden. The lack of knowledge seriously jeopardizes your physical and spiritual development and there will not even be a close second debate here.

Timelines can be speed up or slowed down through the power of knowledge. Timelines can be natural or altered just like evolution can be natural or interfered with. It does not take a physical change in an event to change a timeline. All it takes is a change in thought process. That outcome will always be knowledge.


This is because it does not matter what the prophecy or prediction is by any person, culture, race or religion or time period is. If knowledge had not been restricted from you from the beginning of time, you would have had the intelligence to either correct it or prevent it.

No one religion has the right to claim superiority over any other religion or person. You will find out that creation is a process of all combined. All religions are manmade from bad channeling from a primitive mindset, where humans on this planet still have not progressed spiritually because of the same primitive and biblical mindset that has existed for over 6,000 years.

I challenge you to tell me one religion that has saved any race or culture from the beginning of time!

The same goes for science. It is not just one form of science that will prove creation. It will be a combination of several forms of science that will prove creation through the process of conscious thought. Both worlds of science and religion will get sidetracked.

It does not matter if it is human nature or human behavior. You are not born that way. It is caused by lack of knowledge and influence where fate and destiny are controlled by emotions. You will find out where the concept of a Devil came from and this is a DNA problem.

You will find out soon that there are not only other life forms 1,000 times more intelligent than we are, they are also 1,000 times more spiritually advanced than we are. They did not get there by being trapped in political, social and religious boxes.

I challenge you to find one thing in your three-dimensional realm and beyond that is not fractal in design. So why is your concept of Creation and God Pyramidal like the sacred geometry you worship? This is meaning that you will always be under someone and never, ever equal.

As long as there is a monetary system and religion on this planet, nothing is ever going to change. EVER! And you have lost all rights to complain about anything politically, socially, economically and especially environmentally!

We are increasing the population of this planet at 350,000 per day. Less than 30% earn over $2.00 per day. How are you going to balance a global economy without consuming 3 more planets?  How much time do you really think you have left on this planet? You will be forced to decide what your concept of a perfect society is very soon on a planetary scale where balance must be made. You will either change or become extinct. Time is running out. Are you intelligent enough to come up with any solutions where it does not serve a choice few where death, destruction and greed and war are not the final outcome? Go ahead! I challenge you!

You will be entering the realms of true telepathic communication even if this is done electronically. There is no such thing as secrets. If the truth shall set you free, then you better be prepared when true history and unlimited knowledge is revealed dumping the world and universe as you think you know it upside down. There are only secrets to lower intelligent life forms and slaves. You can be a slave in spiritual form just as easy as physical form and I hope that you are not arogant enough to think that only God hears you pray?

The electroencephalograph telepathic mind control electronics that the military uses to control functions on machines, versus the physical touch of a Vulcan mind meld on Star Trek, versus the concept of an all knowing God. Distance and sensitivity are the only factors in communicating with higher life forms in other realms or dimensions. Communicating with those higher forms of intelligence is no different than you trying to communicate with your pet. They have to do it on your level which is always taken Mythological.

The concept of all knowing does not pertain to that of a single God, but all of us in the power of the word "Create".

There is a real spiritual war between Singularity and Duality since the beginning of time. Their weapon of choice is knowledge. One force has been trying to control you the other force has been trying to set you free. You will either be allowed to progress into your own light being, or you will be controlled or assimilated as part of the ONE.

You will either join with God or you will become like God.

Which form of evolution will you chose?


Multidimensional Spirituality and Dimensional Telepathy


I photographed a whale that washed up on the beach dead in the summer of 2009. It is a Fin Whale. They are the second largest whale in the world. The cause of death was STARVATION. As rare and beautiful as these creatures are and as large as our oceans are, there is not enough food for them thanks to the stupidity of the human race.

How much time do you really think you have left on this planet?

It is not just about global warming. That is only part of the problem. You can release all the technology there is to replace fossil fuels and manufacturing processes, but it is not going to save you or the planet when you are going to be approaching 9 billion people in the next 10 years. Technology is not the problem. People are the problem!

Again, it does not matter what the proof, truth or facts are people will come up with every moronic excuse you can think imaginable to turn it into something that it is not. In general people do not have the slightest clue or care as to what is really taking place on this planet and refuse under any circumstance to deal with reality.

Progress is not defined as expanding, developing, or consuming or over populating the planet. It is defined as reaching the next level and order of intelligence.

More to come soon!

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